
Sets the state of the Capslock/NumLock/ScrollLock key. Can also force the key to stay on or off.

SetCapsLockState [, State]
SetNumLockState [, State]
SetScrollLockState [, State]



If this parameter is omitted, the AlwaysOn/Off attribute of the key is removed (if present). Otherwise, specify one of the following words:

On: Turns on the key and removes the AlwaysOn/Off attribute of the key (if present).

Off: Turns off the key and removes the AlwaysOn/Off attribute of the key (if present).

AlwaysOn: Forces the key to stay on permanently (has no effect on Windows 9x).

AlwaysOff: Forces the key to stay off permanently (has no effect on Windows 9x).


These commands are currently not 100% reliable on Windows Me/98/95 due to the limitations of those OSes. As an alternative, a key can be reliably toggled to its opposite state on Win9x via the Send command; for example: Send {Capslock}

Keeping a key AlwaysOn or AlwaysOff requires the keyboard hook, which will be automatically installed in such cases.


SetStoreCapslockMode, GetKeyState


SetNumlockState, on
SetScrollLockState, AlwaysOff